Bliss Run Mindfulness Community

Welcome, dear friends!! Bliss Run Mindfulness Community practices mindfulness together to promote enjoyment.

We focus on enjoying each moment. We enjoy walking. We enjoy sitting. We enjoy sharing. Wearing a smile while practicing enhances the enjoyment. We come here from all places and all faiths with open hearts and open minds.

Coming together, as a community, our practice of mindfulness becomes more joyful, relaxed, and steady. We are bells of mindfulness for one another, supporting and reminding each other along the path of practice.

With the support of the community, we can cultivate peace and joy, within and around us, as a gift for all of those whom we love and care for...and, even for those we have yet to meet.

We can cultivate our solidity and freedom - solid in our deepest aspiration and freedom from our fears, misunderstandings and our suffering.

I have arrived.

I am home.